about Bingo card template

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    Download the template

    Click on the bingo template, choose a card size and download it as pdf. Now you can print it or send it via email!

About us

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Starting out in 2012

We couldn't find a quality bingo card service anywhere on the web so we decided to built one ourselfs in 2012. Our main goal is to be the authority website parents, educators, party & event makers and bingo lovers turn to when they seek to print quality appealing bingo cards.

The main issue we had was the low quality we've found after hours of searches. We just had to find a cool looking bingo theme for an upcoming event and needed something that was more than a white board. We also find out that we weren't the only sustrated people out there and that is how we came up with bingocardtemplate.net

Our Goal list:

  • Provide free bingo templates for everyone
    • Templates need to appeal to modern eyes
    • Templates should be engaging for the youngers
    • All templates are free from charge and available to download
  • Always be on the picking search and add new bingo templates
  • Learn from people that use the service and have fun in the process!

The future

We are always asked for a date on new bingo card template batches by bloggers, followeres and family members. That is what motivates us to push new template designes as quick as possible and that is the reason we wake up in the morning - the community. Looking to the future we will create bingo card templates more frequently to to meet the demand and make new bingo categories. We are expanding so we have a new hire this year to help us out!

This is us


Bingo lover / Designer

I'm passionate about bingo cards and family crafts since i was 5 years old. I secretly throw parties and little gatherings which is my excuse to play bingo with friends and family. I'm a graphic designer with 8 years of experience in web graphic development and a mother of two happy kids named Jason and July.


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Bingo lover / Craftswoman / Designer

Born in South Carolina i had plenty of time on my hands so i became sort of a picker/craftswoman. I love deco and industrial art and when i see something i like i usually buy it!. I'm a full time web designer and worked on several high end graphic projects.